If you’re looking to solve challenges within your operation relating to your material handling system, then the E24 24-volt Hytrol Conveyor System may be the right choice for you.
The popular E24 is a low-voltage conveyor system that solves the many glitches found in traditional systems—while helping companies achieve new levels of output. Better yet, it can be configured to fit into tight spaces where other conveying equipment just will not work.
“This is a whole new breed of conveyor,” said Jim Boatright, Director of Conveying Systems at IBT Industrial Solutions. “It’s a power conveyor that’s as simply designed as a gravity conveyor, and as easy for you to work with and reconfigure over the long-term as a gravity conveyor system.”
More: Tips for Proper Conveyor Installation and Maintenance
Hytrol’s Low Maintenance System
The many advantages of the E24 technology come as a result of a creative drive system, developed by Hytrol engineers. This drive system utilizes low voltage “pancake” motors distributed to where the power is needed along the conveyor length. The E24 drive system eliminates traditional drive components associated with conveyors, such as: flat belts, chains, sprockets, and gearing. As a result, routine maintenance is essentially eliminated.
Where other low voltage drive systems in the industry utilize motors confined within the roller tubes, Hytrol took the motor out of the roller. The result is a more energy efficient system with over 6 times the design life. Additionally the E24 is much easier and less costly to support while offering greater flexibility of applications.
In addition, traditional conveyor systems require many spare parts to prevent costly downtime. These parts not only tie up valuable dollars in inventory—but also require space and labor to maintain.
“With the E24, most mechanical drive components are no longer needed and one motor fits all sizes and speeds of conveyor,” said Boyce Bonham, Chief Engineer at Hytrol. “This means you don’t have to stock numerous spare parts to prevent downtime.”
Lightweight and Easy to Configure
Because the E24 drive is distributed and housed within the frame, the system is lightweight and easy to maneuver—ideal for installation in tight, cluttered spaces.
“You can stack them or put them low to the floor because the drive is not taking up space below the frame,” Bonham said. “There are no limitations on length or number of curves, so configuration is almost limitless.”
Boatright agreed. “This conveyor is easy for you to design, order, and even install on your own,” he said. “You can easily add 2 feet to this conveyor without a problem. It’s ideal for a conversion from an existing system, or for a new facility.”
Extremely Long Life
While a typical low voltage, motor-driven roller (MDR) system can expect to have about 20,000+ hours of useful life, the E24 has a whopping 125,000+ hours of operating life. This gain is due greatly to the elimination of mechanical components and an overall cooler, more efficient operation.
Added Features
The E24 can also come equipped with Hytrol’s patented EZLogic Zero Pressure Accumulation technology, which makes it capable of accumulating and releasing product on demand. With the EZLogic “sleep” feature, the motors run only when needed to convey product. By turning all the motors off automatically when there is no product on the system, it “saves a tremendous amount of energy and wear and tear on your system,” Bonham said. As soon as an operator places a carton on it, it “wakes up” again.
Examples of E24 Applications
Bonham, who helped develop the product prior to its release in 2007, has seen the E24 work in a wide variety of applications. “This year, the E24™ became one of our top selling products,” he said. “This is a proven technology.”
A few examples of recent applications include:
- Food packaging and palletizing: positions and accumulates products for feeding robotic palletizing stations
- Beverage industry: minimizes spillage and cleanup when hauling wine and spirits
- Parts distribution: hauls totes through part picking and shipping operations
- Retail distribution: quiet, safe operation for operators doing split-case picking and internet fulfillment operation
About Hytrol Conveyor Company
Hytrol Conveyor Co., Inc. designs and manufactures innovative conveyor equipment, controls, and solutions for customers with processing, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution needs. Hytrol has a 600,000 sq. ft. manufacturing operation and a 27,000 sq. ft. Technology Center, with over 100+ locations worldwide in its Integration Partner Network.
Request a FREE EVALUATION or Learn More
Your one-stop industrial shop is also your conveyor expert. Schedule a FREE EVALUATION today or contact IBT’s Director of Conveying Systems Jim Boatright at (913) 261-2116 to learn more.
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