


Bio-Circle, a division of Walter Surface technologies, has facilities in eight countries worldwide. They provide high-performance green cleaning, degreasing & lubricating solutions designed to improve worker health and safety in industrial applications.

Bio-Circle is dedicated to improving worker health and safety conditions, protecting the environment by replacing VOC(Volatile Organic Compounds)-emitting solvents with VOC-free products, and by reducing waste and operating costs while increasing productivity.

The Bio-Circle parts washing system is a safe, efficient and sustainable solution for companies seeking a cost-effective green cleaning technology. It eliminates hazardous chemical waste and is a proven alternative to traditional solvent cleaners – thousands of industrial users have adopted Bio-Circle worldwide.

Their products include solutions that use state-of-the-art bio-remediation to reduce waste and innovative products to clean contaminants such as paint, adhesive, ink, grease and oil. Some of these environmental solution are included in product lines such as:

  • Additives
  • Aerosol Refilling System
  • Cleaning Systems
  • Industrial Cleaning & Degreasing
  • Lubrication
  • + Accessories

Their corporate tagline “ONLY THE BEST” reflects the quest for excellence and quality that is embedded in each product they develop, each service they provide, and each solution they bring to market.

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