Transform Your Workspace with Continental’s Shop In A Box

Avoid downtime by transforming your workspace into an in-house hydraulic and industrial hose crimp shop with Continental’s Shop In A Box. This turnkey setup features everything you need to get the job done quickly including: Four Crimpers to Choose From PC-125: Crimps -20 B2 fittings and -16 SG fittings. PC150: Crimps 1 – ½” B2 […]
Are Your Hoses Fighting Your Food & Beverage Facility’s Progress?
Success in food and beverage manufacturing comes down to a micro-moment. As a food manufacturer, your purpose is to help others bring their product and vision to life. You know the work your customers put into recipe development, sourcing ingredients, marketing, and more. It doesn’t matter if it is a mom-and-pop start-up or a multi-national […]