4B Components

4B Components

4B Components

About 4B Components

Founded in 1971, 4B Components is an industry leader in developing high-quality, innovative and dependable material handling components and electronics for bucket elevators and conveyors in the agricultural and industrial markets. From dust hazard monitors and level sensors to elevator buckets and forged conveyor chains, 4B Components is a company you can rely on for the equipment you need.

Our corporate office and manufacturing facilities are located in Morton, Illinois and we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Visit us online: www.go4b.com/usa

Mission Statement

“We optimize and protect the elevating and conveying systems of our clients in the Bulk Material Handling Industry by anticipating their needs and offering world-class design service together with material handling and electronic components of the highest quality, value, and the latest technology.”

Electronic Products for Dust Hazard Monitoring

4B Components manufacture an extensive line of hazard monitoring products including sensors, controllers and Ethernet connectivity products for monitoring under speed, belt alignment, bearing temperature, plug condition, level indicators, and emergency stop safety switches.

Material Handling Components

4B Components manufacture and supply a wide range of material handling components for conveyors in agricultural and industrial applications. Material handling products include plastic and pressed steel elevator buckets, elevator bolts, conveyor belting, belt splices, pulleys, and pulley lagging.  4B Components also manufacture drop-forged chain for agricultural and industrial applications. 4B Component’s drop forged chain is made of a special heat-treated, hardened alloy steel case with a ductile  core for shock resistance and an extremely hard exterior surface for superior wear resistance  For additional information on IBT and 4B Component’s material handling products and capabilities, visit the IBT Grain Division web page: Grain Division.

Conveyor Design Services

4B Components is your professional partner for the design of new bucket elevators and conveyors and  upgrades of existing machines, a design service that we offer free of charge and supported by our full  guarantee. We feel that our additional services are just as important as our products themselves.