ACE Controls

ACE Controls


ACE Controls

ACE Controls is well recognized as the global leader in industrial shock absorption technology with a strong belief in local support, available worldwide. Over fifty years of experience in the industrial deceleration field and the successful cooperation with many of the most prestigious engineering companies and universities has given ACE the ability to develop complex simulation programs, proven time and again to be correct in real world applications. 

ACE Controls applies deceleration and vibration dampening expertise to diverse applications that range from the bottom of the ocean to satellites in space. Customers are supported with a worldwide ISO organization, strong investments in new technologies and sophisticated sizing software. Technologies include:

  • ACEolator vibration
  • Sound absorption solutions
  • Industrial shock absorbers
  • Safety shock absorbers
  • LOCKED clamping elements
  • TUBUS profile dampers
  • Rotary dampers
  • Hydraulic dampers
  • Feed controls
  • Industrial gas springs

IBT Industrial Solutions and ACE Controls partner with over 120 engineering-focused distributors who are located in over 45 different countries. IBT and ACE are available to help you, wherever you are.

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