8 Important Tips for Proper Conveyor Installation and Maintenance
8 Important Tips for Proper Conveyor Installation and Maintenance
Try these conveyor installation and maintenance tips to keep your conveyor system working at peak performance:
Do Not Exceed Conveyor Capacity
Conveyors have two capacities. Exceeding either of these capacities could damage the conveyor and/or its drive:
Structural or static capacity (given in lbs. per linear foot)
Live load or drive capacity
Use a Chalk Line to Mark Center Lines During Conveyor Installation
Are you installing a long, straight conveyor unit? Use a chalk line to mark the center line of the conveyor. This is just plain common sense. Keeping the conveyors in line will help prevent out-of-square units and ensure the product moves smoothly from one end of the conveyor to the other.
If you notice that your spring balanced gates don’t lift as easily as when they were first installed, it is probably because the springs have become “dry.” Try lubricating them with the proper oil and see if this helps loosen them.
Keep Recommended Spare Parts on Hand
Keep a stock of recommended spare parts available as part of your preventive maintenance program. If there is a question concerning what parts to stock, contact IBT Industrial Solutions and provide the serial number of the conveyor in question. We can give you a list of recommended spare parts for that conveyor.
A serious situation could arise if conveyor reducers are not maintained with the proper recommended oil. Using the wrong oil can cause the gears to wear out before their time.
Lag Permanent Conveyors to the Floor
Not only will lagging (bolting) conveyors to the floor keep them in line and working efficiently, it will also help prevent accidents. A conveyor that isn’t properly lagged to the floor can topple over.
Properly Increase Conveyor Speed
Simply increasing the conveyor speed to move products faster isn’t enough. It is important to increase horsepower also. As a rule, it will take twice as much horsepower to move a package at 130 FPM than at 65 FPM. You can use the following formula to get an idea of your horsepower requirements:
Horsepower Required at 65 FPM x Desired Speed
Educate Your Employees About Conveyor Safety
If employees are working near conveyors, or doing a job that requires them to actually operate conveyors, then they should be aware of all safety concerns and warning labels.
Request a Free Evaluation or Learn More
Your one-stop industrial shop is also your conveyor expert. Schedule a free consultation today or contact IBT’s Director of Conveying Systems Jim Boatright at (913) 261-2116 to learn more.